First Year Highlights of the LLS Multi Sports Course
At LLS we pride ourselves in hosting a stand-out multi sports course. We give unique experiences and opportunities to our students, even when they are starters. The first year is important to any teen that joins LLS as they will start to navigate their life into adulthood and choose what career they want to pursue. This is why we want to give them the most support as well as having the chance to have fun.
Here are some highlights of the first year with LLS.

Residential in Liverpool
Our residential in Liverpool is the first activity our new students will engage in. This is an exciting opportunity for our students to bond with their classmates as well as getting to know their tutor better. The incoming students also have the chance to get to know other centres that could be within their region. For example centres in Alsager and the Grove that are a half an hour drive between them.
Each group will accommodate themselves in the LLS headquarters where they will spend 24 hours in Liverpool, having fun with their new classmates! We have use of the Liverpool Water sports Centre on the Queens Dock where students can experience new and exciting activities.
Another activity for them is to visit the Airborne Academy . Students will be able to learn new skills in free running and acrobatics. Additionally, they will be involved in ice breaker games and teambuilding projects.
Building Relationships
The friendship made in sport is a friendship for life. It is vital that when the first year of LLS multi sports course rolls around, students and tutors build good rapports with each other to ensure a safe and happy learning environment. This is through team building activities during sixth form and working together on projects and assessments.
Many of our students stay in contact with the friends they have made during LLS and mention they made these connections in their first year!

Spain and Northern Ireland Trip
We have so many exciting opportunities for LLS students. One of the them is to travel and explore different destinations. In the first year, we host trips to Tenerife and Alicante (in Spain) as well as spending 24 hours in Belfast (northern Ireland). During these visits, they will be on learning exchanges. In Tenerife, there is chance to coach multi sports Spanish children and to explore the Spanish culture. As well as this, centres will be meeting the students in our Tenerife centre.

On the Alicante trip, football is the main factor however it is very similar to the Tenerife trip. As for the Belfast trip, our centre there and other centres can meet and make friendships whilst enduring in sports coaching and games.
Work Experience
Work experience is a part of our winning formula at LLS. We encourage work experience from the beginning to make sure we give our students the best chance to apply for jobs/universities and apprenticeships. In the first year, many students chose primary school or their past high school as their work experience locations. For those that want to pursue sports coaching, working with young children in their learning environment is the best and most imperative experience.

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Our first year is packed with so many different activities and crucial lessons that run alongside studying the LLS multi-sports course!
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